Saturday 23 October 2010

Seven weeks on!

We have been here about 7 weeks now and are enjoying it very much. We haven't unpacked every box, but gradually things are finding their place. The two upstairs front rooms are our offices, with a spare bed in each to allow for visitors.
I love the non-horizontal floors upstairs and the odd corners and angles. The kitchen is lovely- so spacious and welcoming.
None of our neighbours(Scottish Power yard, Health offices) or near-neighbours (cinema/pub/nightclub)have caused us any inconvenience. We have really enjoyed being so close to shops and failities. I have loved the fact that I don't have to tell Andy to turn down the television or hi-fi in the evenings, as there is no-one to hear!
One of the things that happened just after we moved in was that the Tour of Britain cycle race started a leg in the carpark just opposite our house. The riders even came past our window!
We are beginning to notice the many draughts in this house, now that the weather is getting colder. If you stand in front of the french doors in the kitchen on a windy day, you can fell a steady breeze blowing on your face! We will tackle them, one by one!

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