Wednesday 2 June 2010

1st and 2nd June

These aren't counting in the days, as nothing is really happening! The house is steaming gently and the dehumidifiers are working flat out.
We met with Graham this morning and he said that various people will be in the house over the next few days- plumber, electrician etc.
Mike will be knocking out the plaster in the bathroom tomorrow. I think I mentioned that the wall behind the tiles is the original lathe and plaster, complete with horse hair! It is crumblier than my ginger flapjack, so no use for sticking tiles to!
Keith will be happy tomorrow, as he is taking out the two upstairs windows at the back. The frames are rotten, but the casements are okay, so Graham will take them to the window company, where they will make new frames to fit around the exisiting casements. Cunning hey! They are also going to make up the window for the kitchen at the same time, as the wood they use will be the same profile. It's going to make it a bit dark upstairs as they will plywood over the window holes! Hopefully we will have some more pictures tomorrow!

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