Wednesday 9 June 2010

More history! We might have a name!

Yesterday, we went delivering computer repair leaflets across the river. Someone had told me that a local historian called David Pugh lived in one of the streets. They had described his house too. It just happened that the last house we leafleted was his house, so, being me, I knocked on the door and introduced myself.
David was most friendly and helpful. He told us that the house was called Bodlondeb before its name was changed by the architects in the 80's. He also confirmed that Deputy Chief Constable Brumwell had lived there before the Second World War and said that his son had died in the war.
We gave him our phone number in case he came across anything else. It was very exciting!
David didn't know what the name meant though, so we started to do some internet research when we got home. Andy found a wood and a hotel near Conwy called Bodlondeb. I rang up the Bodlondeb hotel, chatted to the manager and found out that the name means "place of contentment". What a great meaning!
I have to say that the name doesn't exactly roll off the tongue- rather a tongue twister in fact! However, we don't want to live in Accent House and Haddef is a very recent name which most people are not familiar with, so we may well go for Bodlondeb. We'll let you know.

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