Tuesday 31 August 2010

We're moving in on Thursday 2nd September!

We can't wait- although we could do with a Startrek transporter to beam stuff across, as it seems a pain to have to pack things so carefully to move them only one tenth of a mile!
We are walking "hard to pack" stuff across every time we go. I wonder what the Newtown inhabitants think of us wandering backwards and forwards with two table lamps, or a loo roll and a bucket with a house plant in it!
Tomorrow is the day for the BT switch over and the removal men come at 8am on Thursday.
We have put up a range of curtain rails, door bolts, door stops, loo roll holders and towel rails, but still have more to do.
Today, we drew the rooms on graph paper and cut out furniture blobs drawn to scale, to see what we could fit where. We managed to fit everything in, although the additional boxed "stuff" will add a lot of bulk. I daresay we will manage somehow!
The phone number will be the same, we think/hope!
Looking forward to seeing you all here soon.

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