Tuesday 27 July 2010

House renovation is very unenvironmental

When we first agreed the building work on the house, we decided to reuse the 3 loos and 2 of the 3 hand basins. It wasn't just for the sake of saving money, but also because it seems criminal to throw away perfectly functional and okay bathroom ware. It wasn't even as if it was avocado or the turquoise blue so beloved of the '70s. It is all white.
We actually have reused the loos, but the "gubbins" inside the cisterns have had to be changed to a new standard. The basins got cracked during removal, so we needed new ones. We thought we would reuse the perfectly intact pedestal, only to be told that each pedestal is designed for the specific basin, and that in any case the colour of white was different.
I asked the plumber if he got upset by replacing/ chucking away things that were quite usable. He said that it happens all the time and that there was no point in him getting frustrated. He said that even if he had space to store the reusable items, no one would ever want to use them.
We live in a very wasteful world. And we are no better than anyone else.

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