Thursday 13 May 2010

Day 10- It's tidier!

When we arrived, Keith was enjoying himself, ripping the plaster off the living room wall. It was a complete bombsite!
Zoe from church was passing and came in to see what was happening, so we bothered Keith by getting in his way a bit. Zoe is very used to all the chaos, as she and Joe are doing up their house bit by bit, while living in it, with two children! I cannot imagine how difficult that must be! Actually, I can begin to.... and it's not a nice thought!
By the end of the day, all of the rubble heaps had disappeared and the place looked relatively tidy. Keith had put a pile of brieze blocks in the kitchen, ready for the french doors to come out and be blocked in tomorrow. (A number of people have wailed in dismay at the thought of losing a pair of French doors, but we are standing firm! a) They are rotten. b) We want to have a run of kitchen units against that wall. c) We still have two other sets of French doors- two is enough for any house! ) One of the big developments today is not visible from inside the house. The builders continued rendering the gable end wall, which still is not finished. Andy and Trevor were still there at 6pm waiting for the cement to dry enough to roughen the surface. It is a very big job!
We have a bit of a conundrum with the shower room next to our bedroom. At present it doesn't look as if it will be big enough for a shower, loo and basin! We are relying on Graham, the builder, to help us sort that out.

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