Monday 17 May 2010

Day 13- Much calmer!

Today was the day of the damp proof course, which was fitted by Paul Davies and an employee. Basically it seemed to mean drilling lots of holes in the mortar and filling them with a white foamy substance! While they did that, Keith filled in the hole in the back bedroom floor and started filling in the hole in the bathroom at the top of the stairs. He also put timber into the chimney breast hole for plaster board to be fixed to later.
At the end of the day, Andy and I went back and looked at the bathroom next to the room that we will use. It is over 50% demolished at present, so we are thinking of asking Graham to move the door so that it is an en suite. How posh! We have never even dreamed of an en suite before! Our new friend, Diane, will be pleased, as it is one of her recommendations.
In the morning I took the kitchen plans to Howdens and I have to say they were most unhelpful. I explained that Graham Ottaway was doing our building for us and that he had suggested that we try them for a kitchen. As they are trade only, they weren’t prepared to discuss the plans or any prices with me… so I left! I then went to Newtown Tile Centre, where the lady, Kerry, was impressed by my plans. (A bit of flattery goes a long way!!) Anyway, she was very helpful. I had to be very strong willed to avoid coming home with a truck full of catalogues! She is going to price the plans up in the kitchen we like and a slightly cheaper edition. Time will tell!
Tomorrow the builders are having a rest, waiting for the electrician to come and discuss electrics with us on Wednesday. I think I must put some thought into decoration too. White everywhere is very appealing, but may not be best for every room. There is a lot to think about in this house renovation business!

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