Wednesday 5 May 2010

You thought it looked messy before!!!

Day 5. A rather grey and gloomy day with drizzle at times, but Keith was there bright and early with a new helper, Barry. By the time we got there, they had already built most of the scaffold tower in the Scottish Power yard and Keith announced that they were going to do the final bit of guttering and take the top off the chimney.
When we went back at lunchtime, the chimney had gone, the new guttering was in place and the builders were ripping everything apart inside! Reception room floor- gone! Kitchen and utility room units-lying in shattered piles in the yard and front room. Keith was taking off the boxing around the pipework, ready for the damp proof course to go in.
I said, "You just like breaking things don't you!?" and Keith gave a smile!
Under the floor in the dining room, they found some old wire pulls, which probably operated bells in days gone by. (We ought to keep them to summon our many servants!) It was also clear that some of the beams under the floor were as rotten as anything, so it's just as well we are having it replaced with a solid floor!
It's funny that I'm not worried by the mess. In a way, it seems like going back to the basic skeleton of the house and making sure that it is sound. I am wondering, though, how many skips it will take to remove all the debris!
We chatted to a lady the other day, outside the house, and she said that she had looked through the window, feeling sorry for the house, and had realised that somebody did care about it, because of all the tools inside. Andy and I agree that we are already feeling very fond of Haddef.

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