Tuesday 11 May 2010

Day 9- Rendered water resistant!

The builders were busy painting the bonding adhesive onto the gable end wall when we got there this morning and by the afternoon they had put the first coat of render on. Inside, Keith had cut into the landing passageway to widen it. I was so pleased with how open the landing now appears. It is going to be a great improvement.
By late afternoon, the living room ceiling was in a heap on the floor. Kilimanjaro size heaps of rubble seem to be a feature of this job! Fortunately, the lads are now expert at chucking rubble out of the windows into their truck.
Holes also are a big part of this project. At present, you can see from the bedroom through the floor into the living room. You can see through the floor of the back bedroom into the kitchen. You can see through non-existent walls in both bathrooms and the kitchen has a staircase size hole at one end. The piece de resistance is the hole where the stairs once used to be!
We took our friend Diane to see the debris and were very pleased to see how positive she was towards the house. She even called it a "little gem" (which, considering the mess, made me wonder whether she should have gone to Specsavers!!) It is actually really encouraging to have someone showing so much interest and being so enthusiastic about it!
We are beginning to see more and more how it will finally be. And it is very exciting!

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