Monday 10 May 2010

Three walls and a chimney breast disappeared today!

When we arrived this morning, Keith was taking out the stud walls in the kitchen and Andrew and Mike had already got the chimney breast in the bedroom down to waist height. As they took the bricks out, they were chucking them from the upstairs window into their truck below- a much quicker method than carrying them down the ladder!
The dining room floor concrete has set now, so in the afternoon, they set to and pulled down the dining room ceiling. I never imagined that so much of the house would disappear before things started to come together again.
Despite being afraid of heights (some of you know my phrase F..B...!) I had to venture up the ladder. Nosiness overcomes fear! I actually think I am getting braver!
By the end of the day, the upstairs bathroom wall had been removed and Keith informed me that it had only been only held in place by some nails into a rafter at one end! As it is over the stair well, it needed to be altered, but I don't think any of us were envisaging it coming out entirely! As a result, you can see on the photos, that we can see into the bathroom from the foot of the stairs! You can also see through the bedroom floor where the chimney used to be!
It is a very holy house!!
Talking of that, the sermon on Sunday included a reference to the scripture in Isaiah 58:12. "Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings." We both thought that was very cool! Andy said I should paint a picture to go with it for the house. Interestingly, Haddef actually means dwelling in Welsh!
I am still amazed that Andy and I are doing this whole thing. I know we are not doing the work, but we are still venturing into the unknown in so many ways. It's exciting and scary, but I have a strong feeling that there is a real purpose in this.

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