Sunday 30 May 2010

Day 22- Morning visit with Martin and Lesley

Martin and Lesley came with us on our morning visit to Haddef today! It is great to have them with us and they were keen to see the house. Lesley wanted to see the stairs in reality, as she had seen them already on the blog! They had a good look round and made appropriately encouraging noises. It is hard for them to visualise how it will eventually look. It is hard even for us, and we have planned it and seen it through each stage. Lesley was worried about the fact that you can see daylight between the floorboards when you walk upstairs! I have to admit, it does seem strange. It makes you realise how thin the floorboards really are. There is only one decorator today, finishing off the last bits on the front. Picture of the finished job to follow! Keith and Mike are putting in the concrete lintel today, which will be reassuring! They are also going to be tackling various bits of woodwork around the place, which is very exciting!
When we went yesterday, they seemed to be moving the staircase (Our lovely new staircase! Gulp!) They cut a bit out of the beams and slid it about 6 cm further away from the wall, probably to allow more room for the tanking and plastering, when it gets to it.

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