Sunday 2 May 2010

Reactions to the first week of work

Friday was colder and rainier than previous days, so I was glad that the builders had got the guttering under control by the end of the week. It was a bit of a shock to go inside and find that a wall had casually been ripped out. It was one we expected to go, but we didn't realise it was happening on Friday. The smaller reception room is now full of rubble as you can see, with light switches and sockets dangling from the ceiling! Even now, we can tell that the room will seem so much bigger and more useable when it is restored to its original shape.
I have been doing a bit of research on the house by looking in local history books. It is actually quite fascinating. Haddef, which is the house's most recent name, is now situtated in Back Lane, Newtown, but this wasn't always the case. Two roads were extended and joined to form a new way to the bridge over the Severn, which reduced the traffic going along the main shopping street, Broad Street. Haddef used to be in a cul-de-sac called Severn Place. I found an old map from 1901 (I think) that shows Haddef on it. The amusing thing is that we were very concerned about the lack of planning permission for the "extension" at the back of the house. Looking at the old map, the extension was there in 1901! Even more exciting, an older map shows that Haddef was there in 1884! It is the most interesting place we have ever lived, certainly the oldest!
I also found a photo from 1960 which shows Haddef during the floods which affected the town in 1960 and 1964. The water was about 4 foot deep around the house and all along the street. I think Andy is going to scan it and post it here later.
One of the things I want to find out is what the house was called previously. On the Land Registry, it is called Accent House, because an architect's firm, called Accent on Architecture, used it as offices in the 1980's and 90's. More recently, Mid Wales Housing called it Haddef, which means "dwelling" in Welsh, mainly because it was a home for young ex-offenders, a sort of half-way house. However, it must have had other names previously and it would be great to change the name (back) to something which linked with the house's history.
We will keep you posted as we discover more! Sue

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